Making the World Right Again

A great commentary from Victor Davis Hanson… an excerpt: So we are reduced to the bizarre spectacle of a president of the United States, beginning his tenure with supermajorities in both houses of Congress and a 70% approval rating, now

A Worldview Based on Empirical Evidence

If you value fact-based observations, this is an interesting site.  Over the past year, this gentlemen has created graphs to analyze trends based on publicly-available data: If you want to read a summary of his worldview based on creating

Are Universities Scamming the Public?

An interesting article at Big Government about the growing problems with the college education bubble… an excerpt: The public is not aware of what’s happening within higher education, and for good reason:  the self-serving universities want to keep it that way. 

Another View of Health Care Plans

Let  me get this straight. We’re going to be “gifted” with  a health care plan we  are forced  to purchase and fined if  we don’t,   Written by  a committee whose chairman says  he doesn’t  understand it, Passed by  a Congress that  hasn’t read it  but exempts themselves  from it,   To

Smart Seniors

Two businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store. As yet, the store wasn’t ready, with only a few shelves set up. One said to the other, “I bet any minute now some senior