An interesting article in Business 2.0 lists the 101 dumbest moments in business development… I’ve extracted a few of them here: 5) So that’s why they call it a CrackBerry. – A study by the University of London’s Institute of
Category: Business
Top 10 Worst Company Web Addresses
This comes courtesy of NextWebGen… It’s a list of the top 10 web sites with unintentionally humorous names. Just goes to show you that the use of a strategically-placed dash could work wonders: 1. A site called ‘Who Represents’ where
Natural Gas Supplier
You probably read the title of this posting and thought “DZ must be eating beans…” In reality, this posting is about the natural gas that many of us in Ohio use for heating our water and our homes. I was previously
The War on Terror
As Sun Tzu would probably say if he were alive today… “Sabah – Enough is Enough. The Yehudim must have their own group of ‘militants’ to do whatever is necessary…”
Rocket Launches & Astronauts
I just returned from an interesting business trip to Cocoa Beach, Florida for a meeting of the Aerospace Industries Association. In addition to the useful gatherings with various folks involved in building airplanes and space vehicles, I got the chance
Quiet People
During my working career, I’ve had a some managers that worked for me that had a strong tendency to remain very quiet during open discussions, brainstorming sessions, etc. I always wanted to offer these folks the benefit of the doubt,
Alternative Fuels
For those of you that have elected to spend your hard earned dollars on alternative fueled automobiles, you should stop to read the article in Popular Mechanics. The story specifically focuses on the ability to use hydrogen as a substitute
Health Care is Not a God-Given Right
It’s an interesting cooincidence that Mark Kelly and I were having a cerebral discussion on the cost of healthcare just last week… and lo and behold, this week there is an article in Christian Science Monitor about this very subject:
Airbus Failures
Airbus is running into major business challenges. Not only has their new CEO resigned after less than 3 months on the job, but according to an article in the Washington Times, they are liable for hefty compensation for delayed delivery
Dow Jones at All-Time High
Just in case you’re an owner of stocks (most of us are stockholders these days), it’s important to note that the Dow Jones rallied to an all-time high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed today at 11,727, which is the