In the near future, when people examine the history of capitalism, they will look back at the early turn of the 21st century with humor when the read that companies used to pay people with titles such as “Director of Diversity”
Category: Politics
Tennis – Is It Really Equal Pay for Men & Women?
It’s an interesting situation with gender equity in tennis…. In all of the Grand Slam events (US Open, Australian Open, French Open, and Wimbledon), women are paid the same as men. However, women’s matches are best of 3 sets (typically
The Islamic Rape of Europe
The number of emigrants leaving the Netherlands and Germany has already surpassed the number of immigrants moving in. One does not have To be prophetic to predict that Europe is becoming Islamic… Broder is convinced that the Europeans are not
Bush Has Lost His Way
An interesting story in Debkafile: President George W. Bush gave Israel the nod for its long-delayed military operation against Hamas in the Gaza… After clearing captured areas of Hamas, Jihad Islami and other Palestinian terrorists, the Israeli army must pull
Financial Concerns in 2008
A recent survey of financial advisers determined that their number one 1 concern in 2008 is the election of a Democrat as President of the United States. The survey noted, “60 percent of advisers said Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary
Is Olmert Done?
When are the Israelis going to remove this sycophant, know as Olmert? You have to see some irony when your leader exclaims: “Outposts are a Disgrace“… Olmert, you stupid piece of sh$#. The disgrace is the wretched Palestinians sending missiles at
Important Tax Reminder
Don’t forget to pay your taxes… 11 million illegal aliens are depending on you! Muchas Gracias! Hat tip to Joe Knecht
Self-Hating Jew Award
A great posting at Yid with a Lid that itemizes the top self-hating Jews for 2007…
Ted’s Hypocrisy
A new story from Oprah’s Book of the Month Club… Hat tip to Mark Clower
Sleepwalking Into a Nightmare
Brother Ronn forwarded a very interesting speech from Newt Gingrinch about his views concerning Iran and radical Islam. I’ve extracted a few key points from Newt’s speech: It’s not complicated. We’re inviting Saudi Arabia to come to Annapolis to talk