Journalistic Mistakes

An interesting article in American Thinker where Randall Hoven has organized a list of journalistic mistakes.  He has captured over 60 transgressions from the past 10 years, including the most recent, Scott Beauchamp who invented stories about soldiers in Iraq, and

American Opinions on Race

An interesting survey result highlighted in Volokh Conspiracy…  Based on a recent public opinion survey of American voters that were asked this question: “As you may know, the Supreme Court recently ruled that public schools may not consider an individual’s race

Mathematicians and Miracles

Over three hundred years ago King Louis XIV of France asked Blaise Pascal, the great French philosopher of his day, to give him proof of the existence of miracles. Without a moment’s hesitation, Pascal answered, “Why, the Jews, your Majesty…

Is Diversity a Good Thing?

I happen to be an engineer that believes in “portfolio theory“, also known as “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”.  In reality, portfolio theory is based on the financial principle of spreading risk by having a diversified

If General Patton Were Alive Today

This is an interesting representation of a speech that — if he were alive — would be given by General George Patton today (nice editing job by taking scenes taken from the “Patton” Movie). [youtube]xyUX6wV1lBQ[/youtube] 8 min 21 sec

Are Blacks Faster Runners?

Do you believe that black people are faster runners?  An article in the Times UK discusses this very topic.  It notes that in the 100 meter race, the only athletes to break the 10-second barrier are black.  However, it further