Voinovich Blasts Ahmadinejad

Unfortunately, the title of this post is only figurative…  Today, Senator Voinovich from Ohio compared Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Hitler.  Voinovich noted, “He has made it clear that he wants to destroy Israel. He has made it clear he doesn’t

Head-in-the-Sand Liberals

Sam Harris, a devout liberal (he establishes his liberal credentials by noting that he supports gay marriage, high taxes, abortion, etc.), has an article in the Los Angeles Time that harshly criticizes American liberals for having their “head-in-the-sand.”  This could

Palestinians Are Reasonable People?

According to an Associated Press Story, “Palestinians attacked five churches in the West Bank and Gaza over the pope’s remarks”… Cmon, these Palestinians are reasonable people.  Don’t you think that every religion should firebomb another’s worship centers once the other religion says

Moslems Don’t Like the Pope

Surprise, Surprise!  As reported in most of the news services today, “Moslems around the world expressed outrage Friday over Pope Benedict XVI’s comments on Islam”… Remember, these are those folks that strap bombs to children, hide weapons in hospitals, and

War of Civilizations

Well, Henry Kissinger has come out of the woodwork to warn Europe and the United States that they must work together to head-off the impending war of civilizations between the Western and Moslem cultures.  The Washington Post article quotes Kissinger

I Used to be a Democrat

You probably read the title and said to yourself, “DZ used to be a Democrat??”  Well, it’s not true.   I wrote it this way for my cousin Nancy.  It seems as if every day, there are more stories about someone that

Nuclear Terrorism

In the 1950’s, when the cold war first became a reality, citizens of the United States had their first exposure to the possibility of mass destruction.  The notion of the Soviet Union dropping an atom bomb was very real.  This

Political Correctness

Here is an interesting one from DryBones that forces us to recall the craziness of political correctness… and how it’s now become a central part of Western Liberalism and Islamic Extremism.