Moderate Moslems?

A so-called moderate intellectual from the heart of the Arab world, Abdel Mahdi Al-Soudi, a sociology professor at the University of Jordan noted recently, “The Arabs want the 1967 border for the moment – listen to me: for the moment.” Al-Soudi then

Hezbollah’s Final Solution

Alan Dershowitz writes in that “Hezbollah’s aim is not to ‘end the occupation of Palestine,’ or even to ‘liberate all of Palestine.’ Its goal is to kill the world’s Jews. Listen to the words of its leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah:

An Inconvenient Scientist

There’s a recent article in the Boston Globe about how opposing views on global warming are being squashed at — of all places — MIT.   MIT’s Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology Richard Lindzen recently complained about the “shrill alarmism”

Terrorist in San Francisco

You may have noticed in the news that a San Francisco resident by the name of Omeed Aziz Popal went on a murderous hit-and-run spree that killed one person and injured a dozen others.  His drive culminated in front of San Francisco’s Jewish

Fox Newsmen – Ransom

You may have heard or read that the two kidnapped Fox newsmen were released by the Palestinian Hamas… You may not know that they were released based on a convoluted deal which entailed their public conversion to Islam, the newsmen making anti-American statements on video,

The Changing Face of Warfare

Daniel Pipes writes an interesting summary with links to articles on the subject: “Warfare in recent decades has turned historic assumptions upside down. Countries used to be the enemy; now regimes are the enemy, while their subject peoples are our

New Preamble to the Constitution

This is an interesting one that I received from Mark Clower… It’s been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Aye from Georgia, but I cannot vouch for its validity. “We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help

Israeli Soldiers & Politics

Sgt. Eran Perry, who lost his right leg above the knee, and Sgt. Evyatar Cohen, whose right hand is not functioning, spoke from the hospital on Israel Television late last week.  This interview in Arutz Sheva will provide you with