What is “New War”?

In “The Puzzle of New War” in TCS Daily, Dr. Michael Vlahos writes that all of the discussion about new types of war — asymmetrical war, unconventional war, 4th generation war, etc. — is really not about new methods of

Strange War Logic

Daniel Pipes writes a very interesting article in FrontPage magazine… He contends that when the world’s mainstream media elected to take Hezbollah’s side in its war with Israel, the media inadvertently revealed a transformation in the logic of warfare.  Since the

Terrorist Profiling

This one has been around for a while, but PatriotPost has it updated and it’s good to have for the archives…. To ensure we Americans never offend anyone — particularly fanatics intent on killing us — law enforcement and security

Rules for a Successful War

In a recent National Review article he entitled “Surreal Rules”, Victor Davis Hanson describes the difficulties of fighting in an absurdly complicated region.  He uses hyperbole to outline the rules that he has concluded are necessary for winning a war in

Mel Gibson

According to Fox News, Mel Gibson may have a problem with Jews — he says that they’re responsible for all the wars, they’ve inflated the number of dead in the Holocaust, etc.   But Gibson likes one Jewish person a lot.

Hezbollah’s PR Machine

Clifford May, a former New York Times foreign correspondent writes in National Review, “… give Hezbollah, Syria, Iran, and other Islamist fascists credit: They understand the perverse psychology of their enemies, the infidels. They know how to confuse us, how

Democrats Without Direction

You may be aware that three-term incumbent Joe Lieberman and Edward “Ned” Lamont will vie for the title of Connecticut’s Democrat Senatorial Candidate in that state’s primary next Tuesday.  Even though Lieberman was the Democrat’s Vice Presidential candidate in 2000

The Story Behind Social Security

This little story was sent to me from Mark Clower.  Neither he nor I can vouch for its accuracy, but it’s interesting reading: Here is a little history on the Social Security Program.  Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social