How will America Remember Barack Obama?

Another great commentary from Victor Davis Hanson about The Legacies of Barack Obama: Apparently Obama is veering even further to the left, in hopes of establishing a rhetorical progressive legacy in lieu of any lasting legislative or foreign-policy achievement. Turning the

Moderating the US Government 

Great commentary from Professor Reynolds: So if the choice in 2016 is between one bad candidate and another (and it is) the question is, which one will do the least harm. And, judging by the civil service’s behavior, that’s got to

Has the USA Become a Banana Republic?

Some interesting commentary: It’s a matter of record. Americans now populate the largest, wealthiest and most powerful banana republic in the world. The differences between Obama’s America and Maduro’s Venezuela are defined only by degree. The defining characteristics of banana

Unprecedented Corruption

Has there ever been corruption in America to the level practiced by the Clintons?  Would the election of Hillary negatively transform this country such that it never recovers during my lifetime? Consider something so basic as how you raise your children

Diversity vs Unity

As always, great commentary on current issues from Victor Davis Hanson: Emphasizing diversity has been the pitfall, not the strength, of nations throughout history. … Is there any evidence from the past that institutionalizing sects and ethnic grievances would ensure

Democrat Kaine Supports Iran

Do you think that this matters to American Jews? Kaine joined anti-Israel radicals in Congress in boycotting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech in March 2015 — the last plea of a beleaguered nation against an agreement that Iran is already violating