Racial, Religious, & Cultural Stereotypes

Some years ago (before wokeness got totally out of control), the Microsoft search engine, Bing, used to show autocomplete suggestions based on frequency of those search terms/phrases being used.   In other words, these searches reflected what the public really thinks

The State of Political Affairs

Update This says it all — are politicians held accountable for their hatred, lies, and felonious actions? In its size and scope Russiagate is the worst scandal in American history. And yet Hillary Clinton and President Obama remain party heroes who

Is the “Great Reset” Real?

An interesting commentary from a leader of a freedom party in the Netherlands: Our democracy is no longer a democracy… Our governments do not protect us but have only one goal: to frighten us into submission so that they can

Hypocrisy Out in the Open

Here are three headlines today that make it clear that when you’re a hardcore Leftist it’s acceptable to be paradoxical and openly hypocritical: While Illegal Immigration in the US Sets Records, Biden Team Says Ukraine Matters Because Borders Should Be

Case Study in Leftist Economics

Most people that care about empirical data know how poorly Leftist economies have performed over the past 100 years.  As an illustration of ignoring reality, we have a recent “money quote” from the Democrat House Budget Chairman: “It’s not a

The American Decline

A great observation from Mark Steyn about US politicians becoming complacent with the decline of America’s standing in the world: “I mean, this is the country everybody wants to come to”: Yeah, because it has no border, so it’s easy.

Big Tech Embarrasses Itself

The Taliban terrorists are approved Twitter users, while the former US President is permanently suspended…  The self-destruction continues: Twitter’s standards were called into question on Sunday after users pointed out that a key Taliban spokesman has been using the platform