The American Left

It appears that the Democrat Party is only interested in power and chaos. Today’s Democrat leadership is controlled by Leftist factions angrily pushing issues that lack support from a majority of Americans: open borders, COVID lockdowns, defunding the police, refusing

Some Political Humor

Update Some new ones for your enjoyment (courtesy of Joe K).   February 26, 2023 Is there any other kind of humor?  The first cartoon below expresses the only solution left for those living in the madness of Lori Lightweight’s

Communism, Islamism, and Obama

The French are getting a taste of Islamism as their Moslem immigrants pursue world domination via the Caliphate.  These open subversions are soon to be experienced in other European countries that have welcomed Moslem immigration with open arms.  At the

Supreme Court Decision on Affirmative Action

I would suggest that much of Justice Thomas’ rationale for his decision is based on the principles of “thinking stereotypically but acting individually”.  Justice Thomas notes about the flawed logic of fellow Justice Brown-Jackson: Worse, the classifications that Justice Jackson

Is Ohio State an Embarrassment?

No, I’m not talking about their team sports.  I’m talking about their educational departments (If the Universities didn’t have teams in football and basketball, there would be less than half the interest in these “educational” institutions). Ohio State is recruiting

Journalists Suggest Abandoning Objectivity

According to a journalism professor at Arizona State University, the media is too neutral and values “objectivity” too highly (really!?): Professor Leonard Downie, the former executive editor of The Washington Post, recently wrote that “newsrooms are debating whether traditional objectivity should