Popular Mechanics Goes Political

I’ve commented previously that many of the engineering and technical journals have started outsourcing the writing to so-called ‘journalists’.  That is, writers that don’t really have a passion or the insights for the topic are creating sophomoric stories.   In this

COVID, Democrats, and Lunacy

Is there a pattern there?  Have the Democrat Governors and Mayors just lost their minds? The Mayor of Los Angeles came to a press conference where he ordered every Los Angeles resident to wear a face mask to get “more

Stereotypes and Good Humor

No, not the Good Humor ice cream.  I’m talking about the videos from Dude Perfect.  They’ve put together some hilarious short vignettes that depict stereotypical characters at various events. The links below provide a sampling of the funny short videos

Origins Of Stereotypes

Source: Top 10 Origins Of Controversial Stereotypes – Listverse 10 The Dumb Blonde 9 Asians Can’t Drive 8 Irish People = Potato-Eaters 7 The French Are Cowards 6 Men Are Better Workers Than Women 5 Black People Love Fried Chicken