A Teacher of High Moral Character?

An interesting story in the Associated Press about a teacher (a liberal Jew?) staging a sit-in: David Wasserman, a middle school teacher in Madison, began his protest Tuesday. Instead of giving students the Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam, he sat

I have Physical Ailment Known as 3T

If you haven’t heard of 3T disease, then you’ve most likely have had limited exposure to using a laptop computer…  3T is formally known as “Trackpad Torsional Tendinitis” and it is becoming a common ailment for us prolific laptop computer

Ways to Describe Stupidity

If you ever need a short description to describe stupidity in the workplace, I compiled a decent list from various sources: A few screws short of a hardware store. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. A few fries short

Bush is Big Spender

An article recently sent to me from my buddy, Bill Nolan, highlights that President Bush is the biggest spender since the days of LBJ’s Great Society: “George W. Bush, despite all his recent bravado about being an apostle of small

Most Common Passwords

An interesting list from Modern Life… Based on a study in the United Kingdom, they identified the 10 most commonly used passwords on the Internet… #10 is thomas, while #1 is … drum roll… 123.

Source of California Fires

It’s very revealing to watch the media commentary on the potential source of the wildfires in California.  The Republicans contend that it is Al Qaeda, while the Democrats insist that it’s global warming. Go Figure…