Vote No on Sinclair Tax Levy

Update Vote No in Montgomery County, Ohio for Issue 13…  Sinclair has started sending their brochures in the snail mail in support of of increasing taxes to support their business.   They are practicing the political tactic of Concentrated benefits,

Time to Sell Your Microsoft Stock

It’s alway those darn Juuuuwwws…  The worst enemies of Jews are Leftist Jews: Since when does the Washington Post accept editorials calling for ethnic cleansing? I don’t see a Boko Haram leader getting an op-ed piece there. Even an Eastern

Rational Discussions with the Left

American liberals do not consider logic and rational discourse as virtues: Simon Schama’s breakdown on Question Time is a thing of horrid beauty. He shakes with outrage, waves his finger as if it were a baton of self-righteousness and quivers all

Flying Over Home

As you can see from the photo below, my flight last week from the Dayton Airport took off right over Butler Township. If you examine the photo, you can see Samaritan North, Meijers and the Englewood Dam.

Nationality of NHL Players

Back in my day when I played, it was more than 90% Canadian players… “With an all-time high of players born outside of North America, Canadian-born players made up just 49.7 per cent of the 680 players to appear in