US and Iran are Already at War

Let’s stop pretending…  The US and Iran are already at war (some have said that this state of war has existed since the hostage crisis in the 1970s).  It’s sort of a “proxy war”… with Iran funding Hezbollah, Hamas, and the

Anyone But Hillary

Now that Billary has announced her candidacy, I want to go on the record as preferring anyone over a Clinton… We’ll have to see if the rest of the country would vote for this carpet bagger like those foolish Liberals

Pull Out of… Where?

Interesting observation passed along by Mark Clower… If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theatre of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2,112 deaths, that gives a firearm

Carter is a Man on the Run

Not only is Jimmy Carter a sanctimonious asshole, but he is a thief as well.  Carter has received tens of millions of dollars from Arab and Islamic sources.  And that, argues Alan Dershowitz, is behind the former President’s tireless campaigning

Reagan was a Democrat

Most of my peers starting voting in the early 1980s, thus, we knew very little about the early formative years of Ronald Reagan.   In a new treatise entitled “The GE Years: What Made Reagan Reagan“, the author explains the evolution of

A Rabbi and a Priest…

Another funny one from Sam Greenwood… A Rabbi and a Priest were sitting next to each other on an airplane.  After a while, the Priest turned to the Rabbi and asked, “Is it still a requirement of your faith that

Business in New Orleans

I just spent a few days at a business conference in New Orleans.   This was a summit on “Design for Six Sigma” and I co-presented the interim results from one of our projects.  While it was not a large meeting,