The Latest in Jew Hatred

Dr. Hanson sums it up the hatred for Israel and Jews in an article in the National Review: What explains this preexisting hatred, which ensures denunciation of Israel in the most rabid — or, to use the politically correct parlance,

Lowering the Bar?

It appears that in Dayton, Ohio the local administration could not find enough “minortity applicants” to pass the police and fire department entrance exams.  The solution?   Lower the minimum score… Hmm

What’s Happening in Greece?

Mark Steyn has a great article in Macleans that describes the situation in Greece.   A few key extracts: …the Greek rioters are the logical end point of the advanced social democratic state: not an oppressed underclass, but a pampered overclass,

Pick Your Reason

A little humor from Slick… When your friends can’t explain why they voted for Democrats, give them this list. They can then pick a reason: 10. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon