Kasich Believes in… What?

I’ll bet that there are many Ohio citizens that can’t wait until Kasich leaves office: It’s time for lawmakers to get into a room and figure out some sort of solution on gun control, Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Sunday.

American Citizenship

Some informed comments from Mark Steyn about being a citizen in the USA: Citizenship is about allegiance. We benefit from our rights as citizens of the state and in return we accept our duties as citizens of the state. And

What Do Leftists Really Believe?

They proclaim to believe in high moral virtues.  They designate anyone who doesn’t support their policies as deplorable.  Yet, they always appear to avoid practicing what they preach.  Hypocrisy is a central tenant of the true practice of Leftism. If

The Leftist Brand of Morality

As usual, some great comments from Mark Steyn: Once upon a time, the elites chafed under middle-class morality, and found sly workarounds for their darker appetites. Then came liberation. And in the ruins of bourgeois society a new moral hierarchy

Does Reality Matter Anymore?

We are supposed to be living in this golden age of technology where it provides us with great insights — artificial intelligence, machine learning, and business analytics.   These are activities that are all based on dealing with large amounts of

Why is OPM So Important?

A simple experience highlights an economic effect that greatly affects us all, and will continue to curse our nation into oblivion: I speak of two tenants who recently moved into a rental unit I own. I made the mistake of

Obamagate vs Watergate

Update Well, well.  I’m certainly not surprised.  The Obama administration behaved like a banana republic and operated with impunity. It’s now become public that most of the Obama enablers lied to Congress and the American citizens: Last week, CNN revealed (and excused)