Freaky Felon Fellow

It’s not the Onion… You can’t make this stuff up: The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University has named convicted felon and transgender activist Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow at its Institute of Politics for the 2017-18

Someone that Pushes Back

An interesting commentary from Dov Fischer about the reasons that Trump is the right guy for the current political environment: In such a volatile environment of static, of a new tyrannical left that honors none of America’s rules of civil

A Stealth Move to Tyranny

A good commentary in the Federalist identifies the true motivation of the Leftists: Americans are being emotionally manipulated to take up cause with those whose ultimate purpose is the repeal of the First Amendment and erasure of national memory. As

Leftist Vandals Burn Lincoln Statue

Is this really about the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and Confederacy? Attacks on America’s history continued in Chicago Wednesday night when vandals burned a bust of Abraham Lincoln that’s been in the neighborhood for 100 years, revealing that the violent campaign to

Who is Pushing Totalitarianism?

If you recall, this site promotes the notion that politics is inherently an inextricable tension between Tyranny and Anarchy… A good summary from Daniel Greenfield about recent flare-ups in the US: Extremists want to eliminate the consensus of civil society.

How to Rein-in Bloated Government?

From Rand Paul…  This would be a reasonable first step.  It’s a start towards what we in private industry refer to as ‘zero-based budgeting’: The Legislative Performance Review Act would place a four-year expiration date on all new budget authority