Is Diversity a Good Thing?

I happen to be an engineer that believes in “portfolio theory“, also known as “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket”.  In reality, portfolio theory is based on the financial principle of spreading risk by having a diversified

If General Patton Were Alive Today

This is an interesting representation of a speech that — if he were alive — would be given by General George Patton today (nice editing job by taking scenes taken from the “Patton” Movie). [youtube]xyUX6wV1lBQ[/youtube] 8 min 21 sec

Are Blacks Faster Runners?

Do you believe that black people are faster runners?  An article in the Times UK discusses this very topic.  It notes that in the 100 meter race, the only athletes to break the 10-second barrier are black.  However, it further

Fatah Threatens Israel with Terrorism

Duh… Who would have thought?  According to a recent story about the “moderate” Palestinians in the WorldNetDaily: Militants from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ party have organized a terrorist cell in the northern West Bank over the past few days

A Meek Heart

Last night, we went to see the movie “A Mighty Heart” about the kidnapping, search for, and death of Wall Street Journal reporter, Daniel Pearl.  The movie focused more on the search for Pearl, and the dramatic measures that the Pakistanis took in