Physics of Tennis

Leave it to an engineer that plays tennis to find enjoyment in understanding the technology for hitting and controlling a tennis ball… I’ve been reading this fascinating book called the “Physics and Technology of Tennis”, which attempts to use scientific

Unusual Job Applications

Weird things people put on their job applications (from actual resumes, cover letters, and applications):  “I am extremely loyal to my present firm, so please don’t let them know of my immediate availability.”  “I intentionally omitted my salary history. I’ve

Governor of Ohio

The race for Governor of Ohio is heating up and it has even received notice on a national level from columnists such as George Will.   On the Republican side, we have Ken Blackwell running against Jim Petro.  At this point, I

The China Automotive Challenge

I previously posted about the Chinese approach at economic competition based on stealing trade secrets… The Chinese are now attempting to leapfog the world in automotive manufacturing by buying one of the world’s most sophisticated automotive engine plants, taking it apart piece by

Democrats Attempt to Muzzle Coulter

An ACLU lawyer that once defended the Ku Klux Klan’s right to speak is now asking Michigan Republicans to muzzle conservative commentator Ann Coulter. Mark Brewer, the Michigan Democratic State Party chairman, called on Republicans to disavow Coulter’s most recent controversial comments and

From Russia without Love

Update – Russia plunged deeper into the maelstrom of Middle Eastern politics yesterday, saying it might sell arms to the Palestinians after talks… read complete article. Feb 9, 2006 – Vladimir Putin and company are playing with fire…  Since the

Wife Humor

Humor about wives, courtesy of Roger Sines… 1. I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know her first name was Always. 2. I haven’t spoken to my wife for 18 months. I don’t like to interrupt her. 3. Marriage is a 3-ring

US Auto Industry and the UAW

John Tavardian passed along these comments about a recent article in the Chicago Tribune.  The article describes a huge contributing factor to the state of the American auto industry:  Judy Rowe earns $31.80 an hour to sit and do nothing all day

Hillary: Portrait in Duplicity

John Tarvardian remarks about the Democrats blasting John Cheney: “Maybe someone should remind Hillary of her actions after Vince Foster killed himself.  If I remember correctly, investigators still haven’t seen the files she had removed from his office after his