Humorous Aphorisms

I didn’t intend to give this posting an innocuous title, but it kind of hits the nail on the head.  An aphorism is a brief statement of truth or principle… They’re even better when they’re funny: 1. If I had

Defending Democracy?

Am I the only one hearing this Democrat pitch line and cringing incredulously? Doesn’t anyone find it ironic that the political party that openly embraces the virtues of Socialism is claiming that they are “defending democracy”? The same people that

The Science is Settled

More on the “Science is Settled”… July 18, 2016 First rule of science is don’t trust anyone that tells you “the Science is Settled”.  If Einstein were alive today, he would tell you that his Theory of Relatively is not

An Energy Crisis?

Update Some pertinent humor:   October 11, 2022 JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon comments that Biden has screwed up the country’s approach to energy.  He exclaims that we have it completely backwards now: But we have a longer term problem now, which

Voting Opens

Here is an interesting summary list from Uncle Ronn: If you like high gas prices, vote Democrat. If you like high food prices, vote Democrat. If you like empty grocery store shelves, vote Democrat. If you like violence and chaos

Latest Survey of Economic Indicators

A sampling of news titles from today that provide a qualitative assessment of various market indicators: Alarm Bells Sound As World’s Second Largest Appliance Company Reports Demand Plunge China Demand Sinks Across Multiple Cargo Markets Goldman Sachs Prepares for Layoffs

The Real Disease

A great introduction from RedState: Our society suffers from a very odd disease, and no, it’s not Monkeypox or COVID-19. It’s the absolute refusal to admit the truth when it’s staring you in the face. For a time, you couldn’t