Only an Engineer Understands

A pretty decent article in Interesting Engineering: 1. You have the constant urge to build and tinker with something 2. Always thinking about making things work better 3. Going into a project and having absolutely no idea what to do

Engineering Humor

A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed, “What’s with those guys? We must have been waiting for fifteen minutes!” The doctor chimed in, “I don’t know,

Drag Racing at Kil-Kare

I was on my 40-mile bicycle ride this morning, which took us right past Kil-Kare Motor Speedway.  This raceway is located approximately 10 miles east of Dayton.  The place was packed, and of course the drag racers were loud, so

Chardonnay Grapes in Ohio

I’ve got a few grape plants around my yard, with one Chardonnay plant in particular in a large pot on my deck.  I’ve been extremely pleased with the growth and the quantity of grape clusters on the vines this year. 

Popular Mechanics Goes Political

I’ve commented previously that many of the engineering and technical journals have started outsourcing the writing to so-called ‘journalists’.  That is, writers that don’t really have a passion or the insights for the topic are creating sophomoric stories.   In this

Origins Of Stereotypes

Source: Top 10 Origins Of Controversial Stereotypes – Listverse 10 The Dumb Blonde 9 Asians Can’t Drive 8 Irish People = Potato-Eaters 7 The French Are Cowards 6 Men Are Better Workers Than Women 5 Black People Love Fried Chicken

Aircraft Bone Yard in Tucson

Update To demonstrate that there is actually strategic value in mothballing the old aircraft, the Air Force has gone to the bone yard to resurrect a B-52 that was moved to long-term storage back in 2008. It took a team

Asteroids vs Climate Change

Evidently a city-crushing asteroid came very close to the planet that we call ‘home’: The last-minute detection is yet another sign of how much remains unknown about space and a sobering reminder of the very real threat asteroids can pose…