Terrorism and Liberalism

Many of you may remember when Moslem extremists beheaded Nick Berg in Iraq in 2004.  Well… Michael Berg, Nick’s father and the renowned liberal Jewish pacifist, said on Thursday that he blamed President Bush for his son’s death.  This is interesting… If

The Canadian Ostrich

Perhaps you’ve missed the recent news that the politically-correct nation of Canada arrested 17 Moslems for terror activities…  Even when the police nail a cell of 17 would-be terrorists, catching them red-handed with detonaton devices and 3 tons of fertilizer

Al Gore – The Global Weatherman

Al Gore is off telling the world that the end is near… Some web-based videos have swirled through the blogosphere ridiculing the Vice President-turned-weatherman-turned-movie producer. I particularly like this one at YouTube.

West Bank Terrorist State

A recent editorial in the Wall Street Journal by R. James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA, is perhaps the best description that I have seen which concisely summarizes the situation in Israel.  Woolsey notes: “The approach Israel is preparing to take

Immigration Humor

Courtesy of Jay Leno… 1. Mexico President Vicente Fox is in the U.S. for four days. Well that’s how it always starts. Four days, then three weeks, then four months. 2. Fox was greeted with a traditional American welcome when

Life is a Conspiracy

I know a few people on a professional level that strongly believe that every significant event in history is the result of a secret cabal or conspiracy.  Whether it’s the Moslem belief the 9/11 was the result of secret efforts from

Affirmative Action and the EEOC

An interesting article in today’s Wall Street Journal discusses the planned — and subsequently cancelled — testimony before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  It appears that the bureaucratic EEOC was not interested in hearing the realities associated with affirmative action. 

Free Jonathan Pollard

Azzam Azzam, an Israeli-Druze who spent years behind bars in Egypt, sent Prime Minister Ehud Olmert a letter Tuesday in which he asks him to appeal for the release of Jonathan Pollard during his upcoming visit to the United States.